Some Facts About Anxiety
1. Anxiety is the most frequent diagnosis among people who seek therapy. It is extremely common affecting nearly 16 million adults annually in the United States.
2. Anxiety takes many forms. It can be a generalized concern and worry about many things in life. It can be a specific, intense fear of some particular thing (dogs, spiders, flying, etc., otherwise known as a phobia). Some individuals avoid social situations because of intense anxiety. It can be rumination—turning things over and over in your mind to be prepared for any contingency that might arise. Anxiety can manifest itself through perfectionism or obsessiveness. A scary form of anxiety is the panic attack, where a person feels like they are having a heart attack even though they are not. This form often takes people to the emergency room.
3. Anxiety affects people of all ages. More and more children these days are being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Adults of all ages also can struggle with anxiety, while women and the elderly are at greatest risk for anxiety disorders.
4. Anxiety can contribute to physical illnesses. You have probably heard of the relationship between stress/anxiety and heart attacks, but anxiety also can be a factor in headaches, backaches, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach problems, even in arthritis and asthma. Anxiety can complicate almost any physical illness.
5. Anxiety is very treatable. Here is the good news. There are many behavioral and cognitive (thought management) techniques that can help people reduce and/or manage their anxiety. There is no need for people to struggle in silence, or avoid situations, when psychotherapy is available.
So if you suffer from anxiety in some form, why delay? Make an appointment today and begin your journey on the road to relief.